New School: Automotive Complete Auto Center Pro Technician Training
February 21, 2021
Waterford consumers are demanding. We want a safe, reliable vehicle that handles well and is comfortable to ride in. Oh, and we want good fuel economy, too. We also want vehicle repairs that are cheap, fast and easy. Unfortunately, one usually comes at the cost of the other.Today's vehicles have ... More

The Engine Gets a Boost (Turbocharged Engine Maintenance)
February 7, 2021
If someone told you that your vehicle could have the same power but with a smaller engine, wouldn't that sound like great idea? Just think, a smaller engine would save you money at the gas station and you'd still get the same horsepower. The technology to do just that has been around for a long t... More

Let Complete Auto Center Pro Help You Keep Your Vehicle Another Couple of Years
January 31, 2021
Waterford area residents may remember when the U.S. government's Cash for Clunkers program made a splash on the news scene. People were offered incentives to trade in old vehicles for new, in the interest of better and improved air quality from reduced emissions.But a lot of Waterford drivers wan... More

Busting Automotive Myths in Waterford, MI
August 13, 2020
Myths passed around our Waterford, MI community start with a grain of evidence and are then built up with a lot of imagination and very elastic logic. And the internet is a breeding ground for automotive myths. Some bloggers recall the vehicles of yesteryear and declare their modern decedents to... More

Technician Training at Complete Auto Center Pro
August 11, 2020
Your vehicle is important to you, and keeping it running properly is important to your lifestyle. That's why you're smart enough to have it serviced regularly at Complete Auto Center Pro in Waterford. And even though it may just be routine maintenance, you want it done right by automotive profes... More

Are Modern Vehicles Maintenance Free?
March 12, 2018
In our auto video today we'll be talking with Alan Peterson about myths surrounding automotive maintenance. You can lump these myths into the statement that "modern vehicles are so reliable, they are virtually maintenance free."Any good myth has some elements of truth. No offense to Water... More

The Maintenance Free Myth
February 11, 2018
Sometimes we hear people in Waterford say, "What's up with all this maintenance stuff? Modern cars just don't break down." While it is true that today's vehicles are extremely reliable, they are also becoming increasingly complicated and use more exotic materials than ever before. All tha... More

The Easy Way to Save Cash in Waterford
November 29, 2017
The hottest MI news story may be different every day, but there's one topic that seems to come up over and over again the price of gas in Waterford. If you feel like most of your paycheck goes into your gas tank, this post is for you. Here are several basic things people in Waterford can... More

Budget for Maintenance in Waterford
June 13, 2017
Sometimes busy Waterford residents dream about going back to the simpler days of our grandparents. But if you could travel back in time and take a road trip around MI in a Model T, you might change your mind. The improved designs and quality of today's automobiles have significantly reduc... More

Regular Schedule or Severe Service Schedule at Complete Auto Center Pro?
June 1, 2017
Today's Complete Auto Center Pro article focuses on severe service maintenance. Many Waterford drivers are not aware of them and yet there are also very vocal advocates in MI who think that severe service schedules apply to everyone. Somewhere between a complete lack of awareness and the ... More