Synthetic Oil for Waterford Autos
December 26, 2013
If you are a driver in Waterford and you aren't currently using synthetic motor oil in your vehicle, maybe now's the time to consider it. Need more information? Well, synthetic motor oil is a substitute for petroleum based oil. Synthetic oil doesn't gel or gum-up like petroleum based oil and ... More

Water Pump
December 19, 2013
Your cooling system is very important. It circulates coolant through the radiator and your engine to protect your car from overheating. There are five main components to the cooling system: the radiator the radiator cap the hoses the thermostat and the water pump The water pump's like the he... More

On Board Diagnostics for Waterford Motorists
December 10, 2013
Some Waterford vehicle owners wonder why Complete Auto Center Pro and other Waterford auto repair shops charge a fee for vehicle diagnostics. Receiving a diagnostic charge at Complete Auto Center Pro for a tricky automotive problem shouldn't be a surprise. In the Waterford area, automotive dia... More

Fuel Saving Tip: Car Weight And Your MI Driving
December 6, 2013
Weight is the enemy of fuel economy. Everyone from here to Detroit knows this makes sense.Some of us in the Detroit area carry a bunch of unnecessary weight, and I'm not talkin' what you see in the mirror. Guys: sports equipment and tools. Ladies: well, just take a look around the passenger com... More