Fuel Saving Tip: Slow Down in Waterford
December 27, 2020
Theres not much Waterford drivers can do about the price of gas in MI, but we can control - up to a point - how much we use. Our driving habits can dramatically affect our fuel economy. The first thing we can do is watch the go-pedal. Hard acceleration just sucks the gas. Gently leave stop lights... More

Keep It Flowing with a Fuel Filter Replacement at Complete Auto Center Pro
December 20, 2020
The function of the fuel filter is pretty self-explanatory. It filters your fuel. The fuel filter is in the fuel line somewhere in between the fuel tank and the engine. Both gas and diesel vehicles around Waterford use fuel filters. For more information about your fuel filter, visit Complete Auto... More

Service Center Standard and Procedures
December 13, 2020
All MI pilots have checklists for every aspect of flying. They always use their checklists even if they only have two steps on them. They do this simply because a checklist is a great way to not forget steps. It is also how they can assure a predictable outcome. That is why Waterford automotive... More

Follow the Bouncing Vehicle (Bad Struts and Shocks)
December 6, 2020
If you hit a bump in the road and your vehicle just keeps bouncing up and down for a lot longer time than it used to, you may have bad struts and shocks. They're the things that help to keep your vehicle's wheels and tires planted to the road surface. But they don't last forever. With care and ... More