Hey Waterford Drivers, How Many Miles Are on Your Car?
August 30, 2020
Nowadays, Waterford drivers are paying more at MI gas pumps. For some families it adds up to several hundred dollars every month. That's got to come out of the budget somewhere. This is one of the reasons many MI drivers are putting off buying a new car. They plan on keeping their old vehicle for... More

ICE - In Case Of Emergency In Waterford MI
August 23, 2020
When accidents occur in Waterford, MI, the victims' emergency contacts are extremely important. Too often, those involved aren't able to provide rescuers with phone numbers and medical information.When MI police and rescue workers must sift through pockets, glove compartments, wallets, purses an... More

Battery Maintenance Tips From Complete Auto Center Pro
August 16, 2020
When it comes to your vehicle, it all starts with the battery. Proper battery maintenance is important for two reasons:First, your vehicle won't start or run without it. Second, it is the key to the long life of your auto electrical system. If your battery isn't working efficiently, your alterna... More

Busting Automotive Myths in Waterford, MI
August 13, 2020
Myths passed around our Waterford, MI community start with a grain of evidence and are then built up with a lot of imagination and very elastic logic. And the internet is a breeding ground for automotive myths. Some bloggers recall the vehicles of yesteryear and declare their modern decedents to... More

Tacky or Techie? The Tachometer.
August 12, 2020
There's a gauge that many vehicles have that says RPM on it. And there are a lot of people who either don't pay any attention to it or don't even know what it is. Here's why it's a good gauge to know about. It's called a tachometer, and that "RPM" label means it is measuring how many revolutions... More

Technician Training at Complete Auto Center Pro
August 11, 2020
Your vehicle is important to you, and keeping it running properly is important to your lifestyle. That's why you're smart enough to have it serviced regularly at Complete Auto Center Pro in Waterford. And even though it may just be routine maintenance, you want it done right by automotive profes... More

The Right Oil for the Season (Engine Oil Viscosity)
August 10, 2020
As the temperatures plunge, certain types of engine oil may not flow as easily as they did when it was warmer. Makes sense, doesn't it? Just like molasses gets thicker as the temperature goes down, engine oil does the same thing. So, maybe you're wondering if you have to change your oil as the s... More

How Much Does It Cost? (Variations in Vehicle Repair Costs)
August 9, 2020
Ever wonder why it costs so much more to fix a similar problem in two different vehicles? Let's say you now own an SUV and before that, you owned a car. Your SUV's air conditioning system needs a new evaporator, but the cost for the new one is way more than you remember it was for your car. How... More

Complete Auto Center Pro Automotive Tips: Diagnostic Service
August 9, 2020
Imagine waking up one morning with a stomach ache. You pick up the phone, call the doctors office and say, Ive got a really bad tummy ache. How much will it cost to make me feel better? Of course you wouldnt do that. You know that there could be a lot of reasons for your symptoms and that the doc... More

Mercury Rising (Hot Weather Vehicle Concerns)
August 8, 2020
The heat is on, and your vehicle takes a beating when it is. Several of your vehicle's systems are under extra stress in hot weather, so here are a few to make sure are getting the care and maintenance they need. It makes sense that the cooling system is one to make sure is in top shape. Vehicl... More